Frequently asked questions.


  • I'm a new client, what service should I book?

    We recommend you book a New Client: Advanced Signature Facial treatment. This is a custom treatment based on your skin needs, goals, & the professional opinion of our Licensed Esthetician. You’ll have time to ask questions, review your current home regimen, or build a new regimen to work towards our advanced treatments.


    Soy un cliente nuevo, ¿qué servicio debo reservar?

    Te recomendamos reservar un Advanced Signature Facial. Este es un tratamiento personalizado basado en las necesidades de su piel, sus objetivos y la opinión profesional de nuestro esteticista autorizado. Tendrá tiempo para hacer preguntas, revisar su régimen casero actual o crear un nuevo régimen para trabajar en nuestros tratamientos avanzados.

  • A non-refundable $65.00 appointment deposit is required at the time of scheduling. This deposit will be applied to your service total. If you cancel or reschedule with less than a 72-hour notice, your deposit will not be refunded.

    If you cancel or reschedule with the appropriate 72-hour notice, this deposit will be refunded.

    This is included in the Required Skin, Medical, & Consent Form you complete before scheduling your appointment.


    Se requiere un depósito no reembolsable de $65.00 para la cita al momento de programarla. Este depósito se aplicará a su servicio total. Si cancela o reprograma con menos de 72 horas de antelación, su depósito no será reembolsado.

    Si cancela o reprograma con el aviso correspondiente de 72 horas, se reembolsará este depósito.

    Esto se incluye en el formulario de consentimiento, médico y cutáneo requerido que usted completa antes de programar su cita.

  • If you are more than 15 minutes late to your appointment, you will be considered a NO SHOW and will be charged the FULL-SERVICE AMOUNT.


    Si llega más de 15 minutos tarde a su cita, se le considerará NO PRESENTARSE y se le cobrará el MONTO DEL SERVICIO COMPLETO.

  • If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please do so no later than 72 hours in advance.

    If you reschedule or cancel less than 72 hours in advance, you will be charged the full-service amount. I understand things happen - so please contact us immediately.

    If you schedule less than 72 hours prior to your appointment, you agree to SBC policies.

    Skin by Cynthia has the right to ban or cancel appointments if you have multiple no show, reschedules, &/or cancellations.

    Please be respectful of our time.


    Si necesita reprogramar o cancelar su cita, hágalo con no menos de 72 horas de anticipación.

    Si reprograma o cancela con menos de 72 horas de anticipación, se le cobrará el monto del servicio completo. Entiendo que suceden cosas, así que contáctenos de inmediato.

    Si programa menos de 72 horas antes de su cita, acepta las políticas de SBC.

    Skin by Cynthia tiene el derecho de prohibir o cancelar citas si tiene múltiples ausencias, reprogramaciones y/o cancelaciones.

    Por favor sea respetuoso con nuestro tiempo.

  • Arrive no more than 10 minutes early or on time for your appointment. Our waiting area is limited and there are other professionals at the salons.

    Please give yourself plenty of time to find parking and notify us ASAP if any issues come up.


    Llegue no más de 10 minutos antes o a tiempo a su cita. Nuestra zona de espera es limitada y hay otros profesionales en los salones.

    Tómese suficiente tiempo para encontrar estacionamiento y notifíquenos lo antes posible si surge algún problema.

  • At Skin by Cynthia, we always offer the highest quality ingredients, products, equipment, & advanced treatments only available to licensed & certified professionals. Our prices may change without notice due to the constant change in industry & market.


    En Skin by Cynthia, siempre ofrecemos ingredientes, productos, equipos y tratamientos avanzados de la más alta calidad, solo disponibles para profesionales autorizados y certificados. Nuestros precios pueden cambiar sin previo aviso debido al cambio constante en la industria y el mercado.

  • All our services are customized to meet all our clients’ skin needs from dermaplaning, LED treatments, protein oxygen lift therapies, acne bootcamp, & much more. Full menu here.


    Todos nuestros servicios están personalizados para satisfacer todas las necesidades de la piel de nuestros clientes, desde dermaplaning, tratamientos LED, terapias de elevación de proteínas y oxígeno, bootcamp para el acné y mucho más.

  • Can I book a professional peel on my first visit?

    This is an advanced treatment, and our SBC requires all clients to complete pre & post-peel care as well as have a home regimen that includes retinol prior to scheduling a professional peel. Please schedule a Consult + Signature Facial if you’re a first-time client at Skin by Cynthia. Here we will set-up a plan to get you peel ready!


    ¿Puedo reservar un peeling profesional en mi primera visita?

    Este es un tratamiento avanzado y nuestro SBC requiere que todos los clientes completen el cuidado previo y posterior a la exfoliación, así como que tengan un régimen casero que incluya retinol antes de programar una exfoliación profesional. Programe un Advanced Signature Facial si es cliente nuevo de Skin by Cynthia. ¡Aquí estableceremos un plan para que estés listo para este tratamiento avanzado!

Before your appointment

Click to read more >>>

  • Stop retinol, Retin-A, tretinoin, etc. minimum 7 days prior to your treatment.

  • Refrain from exfoliating or using any acids; lactic, glycolic, mandelic, salicylic acid, enzymes, benzoyl peroxide, etc minimum 3 days prior to your treatment.

  • Absolutely no sunburned or windburned skin.

  • Avoid waxing 48 hours prior to your treatment. Waxing can make the skin more sensitive or cause irritation.

  • Please book your facial treatment 2 weeks after receiving Botox or filler.

  • All clients must complete the Client Skin, Medical, & Consent form prior to their appointment. Remember everything influences the skin & we want to be able to spend the entire time treating your skin!

  • Please complete the Social Media Photo Consent Form. It can be found here!

After your appointment

Please follow our professional advice & instructions as discussed with you in the treatment room after your treatment. Avoid direct sun exposure and always apply & reapply your SPF. As always, if there are any concerns, contact us ASAP.