Let’s Talk About Rosacea
It is important for me to begin by clarifying that as a Licensed Esthetician I cannot diagnose; however, I can identify rosacea characteristics in my clients. Rosacea, specifically Papulopustular Subtype 2 Rosacea, is one of the most common skin conditions I treat in both men and women. If you think you have rosacea, please consult your healthcare provider.
Although the exact cause of rosacea is unknown, individuals with rosacea usually have a larger quantity of microscopic parasites called Demodex mites. What are Demodex mites? Firstly, we all have them, and they live in our hair follicles and sebaceous (oil) glands feeding off our dead skin cells and sebum. In large amounts, it is said these mites can cause bacteria and an immune response resulting in a compromised skin barrier and inflammation.
Some common rosacea symptoms are inflammation, pustules, papules, sensitivity to products and touch, telangiectasia, and thick, dry skin usually present in the central areas of the face - nose, cheeks, and chin.
Papulopustular Subtype 2 Rosacea (acne rosacea) is the most common type I treat here at SBC. I’ve had remarkable success reducing and treating rosacea symptoms with a personalized home skincare routine full of powerful antioxidants, glycolic or mandelic acid, peptides, plus biweekly appointments, and lifestyle changes until the skin is under control.
Do you or someone you know need my help treating rosacea? Please send them my way! Treating skin is not a linear journey, but this is why I joined this industry - it’s never a dull, boring moment.